New Chapter

Created by Sinead 13 years ago
I dont really know much about his early life but he served in world war 2 and fought for our country, and i am so proud of him. he married joyce and they went on to have 2 children. I came into his life in 1995 and is one the kindest people i have met, we would go over every week and just do family things like trips, watch tv and he would always watch me dance and was always proud of me. he loved fishing, and supporting Brentford and would listen to football every Saturday, we would talk twice a day and was always making up jokes, he was the best. sadly his wife passed away in 2000 after being ill for months, and john was heartbroken, but he was always a strong person and carried on, but a few years later his got health got worse, with his heart conditions, diabetes and eyesight got worse until he could hardly see anything. we grew closer through this and would go and look after him twice a week, do his shopping, his cooking, helping with post and bills, and still even though he could not see properly he would still ask to see me dance and play his accordion, we carried on this routine for years until he really started to deteriorate and went into intensive care for weeks, sadly we passed away in 2005 from his heart conditions